how to handle a safe2tell Wyoming report
Each Safe2Tell Wyoming report requires a response while maintaining the CONFIDENTIALITY of the reporting party who is protected by Wyoming State Law (W.S.S. 9-1-603(a)(ix) & 9-1-603(e)) The following are suggestions to aid in successfully responding to, and reporting back on, all Safe2Tell Wyoming reports.
While the confidentiality of the reporting party is to be protected, administrators in a position of trust can make a difference in the life of a student who is at risk, feeling threatened, or in a dangerous situation. Those who are trusted administrators may be notified to assist
in helping to provide a positive outcome.
Your organization should determine what the practice or procedure will be for routinely handling Safe2Tell Wyoming reports in a confidential manner. Consider who the most effective and involved party may be or form a collaboration with the following:
School Principal
School Resource Officer / Local Law Enforcement
School Security Officers
Student’s Parent(s) / Guardian(s)
School Counselor / Psychologist / Nurse
What is the Appropriate Action?
With varied content and circumstances for each report, the goal always is prevention and awareness through education and training. It is not necessary to inform the student (whether victim or perpetrator) that a Safe2Tell Wyoming report has been received. Remember that Safe2Tell Wyoming reports are considered intelligence information and are NOT to be included in case files with public access.
In most cases, the most effective intervention for the student is realizing that an adult in their life notices, cares, and is aware. Consider some suggestions of possible actions for the most productive method for obtaining a positive outcome:
Counseling – Speak with students on an individual basis; counseling large groups can be ineffective, leading to further intimidation/bullying. Strive for solution-based outcomes.
Monitoring Situation with Awareness – Seek to personally observe the noted behavior, particularly in situations where students assume the adults are not aware of the reported actions.
Immediate Intervention – Many Safe2Tell Wyoming reports save lives. Take all threats seriously and be prepared to suggest helpful outside resources in your area for students in crisis.
School Discipline – Any behavior that violates school or district policies should be met with the appropriate disciplinary procedures, including conducting threat and suicide assessments when appropriate.
Citation/Arrest – When a report is crime-related, it will be at the prerogative of local law enforcement to determine the appropriate action.
Referral – Should it befit the circumstance, a referral to another local agency, such as Department of Human Services, Mental Health, etc. is appropriate and acceptable. Be sure to note such referrals on the Disposition report.
Accessing Tips in the P3 System
Viewing Tips: To view a tip in P3, click the link provided in the email or text alert you received notifying you of the new tip. Use your login information to access the tip in P3. All tips assigned to you will appear at the bottom of the Tip Manager screen, or may be searched using the search box on the top of the right-side menu. When a tip is read, it is marked as read and time-stamped in the P3 system. Attachments (videos, photos and uploaded documents) may be viewed in the main screen or by clicking the Attachment tab.
Searching Previous Tips: When you enter the P3 system, all current and previous tips assigned to you are visible and searchable. To look up previous tips, use the search box on the top right-side menu to search using key terms, names, and tip numbers.
Submitting the Disposition Report
Each Safe2Tell Wyoming tip received requires a Disposition report to be filed in the Safe2Tell Wyoming P3 system.
Follow-up on every Safe2Tell Wyoming report is a program requirement.
The more detailed information that is provided, the more helpful the program is for schools, local law enforcement, and Safe2Tell Wyoming.
Disposition reports are made directly in the tip record on the Disposition tab.
Tips are considered closed when coded as closed in the system and a Disposition report is saved in the tip file in the P3 system.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
Q: What if I received this report erroneously?
A: Please notify Safe2Tell Wyoming immediately, providing the report number, and discard the report/delete the email or text message.
Q: What if there is not enough information for follow-up?
A: Safe2Tell Wyoming may request more information from the reporting party via our web reporting and mobile app system. You may call the Sandy Hook promise National Crisis Center at 844-996-7233 to have them asked additional information, or inform Safe2Tell Wyoming administrative staff (307-777-8787) if you would like to post a request for more information. Make sure to have the report identification number available for reference. Should more information be submitted on your particular Safe2Tell Wyoming report, you will be notified by the Safe2Tell Wyoming administrative staff or you will receive an update notice by the P3 system. If there is not enough information for follow-up, note as such in the Disposition report. Should more information become available after the Disposition report is filed, update the information on the Disposition tab in P3 or contact Safe2Tell Wyoming administrative staff.
Q: Should I notify the suspect or victim that a Safe2Tell report has been made?
A: It increases the reporting party’s CONFIDENTIALITY if the Safe2Tell Wyoming is kept private and confidential. It is not necessary to articulate that a Safe2Tell Wyoming report has been received.
Q: Will Safe2Tell Wyoming notify the media if a serious crime or incident is prevented?
A: While Safe2Tell Wyoming reserves the right to use report content to describe incidents and outcomes for program purposes, the identity of particular schools and/or districts will not be disclosed unless that particular school or district chooses to pursue their own media coverage. In that event, Safe2Tell Wyoming will include any publicly released media in its own publicity packets for program usage and promotion.
Q: Can I obtain statistics for my school and school district from the Safe2Tell Wyoming database?
A: Safe2Tell Wyoming statistics are compiled in a data report for the state of Wyoming, as a whole. Information posted to the Safe2Tell Wyoming website, including monthly and yearly data reports, are public domain and may be published or reported by the media. Safe2Tell Wyoming only releases district and school data to authorized school/district personnel. To request data for your school or district, contact Safe2Tell Wyoming administrative staff.
Q: If another agency involved (school, law enforcement, etc.) has already submitted a Disposition report, do you still need one from our organization?
A: Yes, submit your Disposition report regardless of another organization’s involvement so that Safe2Tell Wyoming has a complete record of the tip outcome. Multiple Disposition reports may be submitted on each tip.
Q: Am I allowed to contact or interview the suspect or subject in the report, since confidentiality is protected by Wyoming state law?
A: Confidentiality laws protect the individual who made the report. Individuals listed in the report who are in need of intervention may be contacted, interviewed, investigated, etc. as appropriately determined by the designated school representative, law enforcement officer, or involved community agency. Remember it is not necessary to mention that a Safe2Tell Wyoming report is involved and often can lead to a more successful outcome if that information is kept private and confidential.