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Safe2Tell Wyoming is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for parents and students to report concerning, threatening or suspicious behavior or situations. Safe2Tell Wyoming is completely confidential by Wyoming State Law (W.S.S. 9-1-603(a)(ix) & 9-1-603(e).) Identifying information on reporters is not collected and there is no caller ID. All information reported through calls, web report, or mobile app are sent to school teams and law enforcement, as necessary, for investigation and follow-up.

Image by Taylor Grote

What Safe2Tell Wyoming Can/Cannot Do For You:

  • Safe2Tell Wyoming is a way for students to report threats to their safety or the safety of someone else in a way that keeps them safe.

  • Safe2Tell Wyoming helps increase awareness when school staff and/or administrators may not be aware that a situation has or is occurring for the purpose of prevention, early intervention, education, and awareness.

  • If you choose to make a Safe2Tell Wyoming report in order to advocate for your child’s safety, the report will be sent to the school administrative team and/or law enforcement, if needed.

  • Safe2Tell Wyoming does not notify the Reporting Party of the report outcome. All outcome information is private and autonomous to Safe2Tell Wyoming.

  • If you have previously reported the situation to your school staff and are not satisfied with the outcome, Safe2Tell Wyoming is not able to enforce a different outcome. Please find the venue within your school district for escalating these concerns.

  • Safe2Tell Wyoming is not a resource for keeping a “record” of your school or child’s history.

What You Can Do to Advocate For Your Child:

  • Attempt to keep lines of communication open with your child’s teacher, your school’s administrative staff, and your school's superintendent’s office.

  • Always keep the best interests of the child at the forefront of the conversation.

  • Please remember privacy laws protect EVERY student. No one is entitled to know the disciplinary outcome of another student.

  • Ask your school/school district if there is a preferred protocol or resource staff dedicated to parents who need assistance advocating for their child.

  • If your child has an IEP, contact the Wyoming Department of Education 

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